Developing Cultural Industries (2015, European Cultural Foundation)
Exploring the connection between culture and broader goals of human development, this research focuses on cultural and creative industries in what is commonly referred to as ‘developing countries’.
In Developing Cultural Industries, Christiaan De Beukelaer offers a thorough exploration of how the concepts of cultural and creative industries are constructed and implemented across African countries and evaluates various policy implications of his findings.
Combining an empirical study of the cultural industries of Burkina Faso and Ghana with an understanding towards broader insights regarding global implications of the European debate surrounding creative industries, this book provides new empirical and theoretical insight in the connections between cultural industries and development.
This publication is the result of the 9th Cultural Policy Research Award in 2012. It was presented in Amsterdam at the Boekman Foundation on 23 March 2015.
De Beukelaer, C. (2015) Developing Cultural Industries: Learning from the Palimpsest of Practice. Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation. ISBN 978-90-6282-067-2.