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Ook Zeelieden Willen Naar Huis

De honderdduizenden zeelieden die niet aan wal raken, zijn de onzichtbare slachtoffers van de corona-epidemie. Toch zijn de rederijen niet snel geneigd om hun bemanningen te wisselen. Daar moet verandering in komen.

Crew Change Crisis Risks Supply Chains – And Lives

Some 400,000 seafarers are currently stuck on ships, past the end of their contracts, unable to go home.

The Hundreds of Thousands of Stranded Maritime Workers Are the Invisible Victims of the Pandemic

Hundreds of thousands of maritime workers remain stranded at sea because many countries refuse to classify them as “essential workers” – it’s time to bring them home.

From Locked Out to Locked In

When international ports close, what happens to those at sea?

Sailing Home

Statement from the Crew of the Avontuur, on arrival in Hamburg after six months at sea.

In the Stillness Between Two Waves of the Sea

A reflection on being at sea during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bored of your box room? Try being marooned on the ocean!

The coronavirus means that my research on a sailing cargo ship is lasting a lot longer than I bargained for.

Safe Aboard Avontuur

We are doing well. We are all safe, sound, and healthy aboard the Avontuur.

My Sailing Avontuur Across the Atlantic Starts – with Waiting

I will soon join the schooner Avontuur in her mission to reduce carbon emissions from cargo transport to zero.

An Argument for Reading More and Writing Less

With so much pressure to publish, when will we ever have time to read and reflect?

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